Still no luck with the hiring.Mary (the blonde from the topless club) and I are still doing the phone tag thing.Well,we were until today.She has called and left messages twice with times that would be good to reach her.Apparently the cell phone # she gave us belongs to her boyfriend and he is at work until 5:00 and can't leave the phone on while he's on the clock.Noone has ever answered after five or returned my messages in a timely manner.Our hiring ad specified Saturdays were a must and she can't work but 1 Saturday a month.Diana has instructions to tell her thank you but no thank you when she calls again.Most people are on their best behavior when trying to get a job so I can imagine how reliable she would be if hired.I have enough spoiled girls.I do hate to turn down girls but oh well easy come easy go.In the last post I mentioned Suki but am just not in the mood to discuss the weirdest girl ever.I am thinking about giving her another chance this weekend if noone else applies by late tomorrow.It has been a few years since I saw her so maybe some of her "friends" have left her.
Yesterday was suppose to be the day I took care of things at home and did have to go by the club for anything.I had some errands early in the day and was relieved to make it back home before getting stuck in rush hour traffic.The phone rang around 4:00 and my heart just sank when I saw the club # on caller id.When the club calls at odd hours(after the dayshift arrives and it's too early for the night girls to call out)I am always worried the cops are back trying to harass us.Diana's calls are never good news.On a trip to the dumpster she discovered a bucket outside our back door with 2 teeny kittens inside.Just fucking lovely!What are we going to do with kittens?
I am not much of a cat person.That hasn't stopped me from having 5 cats in my life.Not really by choice,we just seem to find each other.All of them have met their demise rather quickly and I have come to the conclusion that I am not meant to have cats.Shadow(I had him a few weeks) accidently got slammed in a door and broke his neck.Majik was with me 2 weeks, gave me impetigo then died of cancer(he was sick when I got him ).Freeloader was an ancient,mangy, flea ridden stray I adopted and loved very much.A cat only I could Love.He was with me about 3 months before I found him dead in the driveway with an army of ants marching into his mouth.Adam and I found Stinky huddled in the marsh by the highway.If you have ever smelled pluff mud you understand why I named him stinky.I had him about 6 months and was never able to fully tame him(there were many scratches and small scars to prove my efforts).He tore through the screen of an open window and that was the last we ever saw of him.My Sweet Sambo was almost ripped in half by my dogs when he ventured into our yard one night.He required several(very expensive surgeries)and much tlc.I even carried him around with me in a cushy basket during his recuperation.He died about 2 years after that from some intestional cancer the vets couldn't find during routine testing.I cried so much over that cat and still get tears in my eyes when I think about the suffering he endured at the end.He was screaming in agony the day I drove him to the hospital and had him put to sleep.
Diamond agreed to take one of the kittens.At 5:00 I went to the pet store to get cat supplies then to Ambrosia for the kitty.We live out in boonies.(It took 45 minutes to get to the pet store,another 15 minutes to Ambrosia then 40 minutes to get back home.) What else could I do?Noone else wanted her and I couldn't leave her to die at the pound.Anyway she is tiny and needs more love than workers at the pound have time to give her.I am only keeping her until I find a suitable home for her.I really really mean it.My dogs are going crazy and it is a responsibility I don't want right now. on the positive side,she is so fluffy and has the biggest brightest eyes that make me smile.
I don't know if i've mentioned but I am a vegetarian.I do not like to harm any animals.The girls get mad at us because we insist on catching spiders,water bugs etc and put them outside instead of killing them.About a year ago Diana called to tell me she had discovered a garbage bag near the dumpster leaking something that appeared to be blood.Most people would probably call the police but I wanted to know what we were dealing with first.I stopped long enough to grab some rubber gloves from the kichen then sped all the way there.It was a baby deer hacked to pieces.When I looked around hoping to find some clue we also found a gutted (there was no meat left just the fur,legs and head spread out perfectly) doe a few feet away in the shrubs.An over turned bucket held the entrails and various organs.I was absolutely heartbroken and it took all I had not to cry.There are a few animal rights stickers and posters in the club that maybe offended someone.I can not imagine how anyone could be so cruel and subject someone else to such a horror.My point is that the kitten though an inconvience is alot better of a suprise than that was.At least they are both safe and have a chance to enrich someones life with their companionship.
As I was walking out the front door Beth Ann came to the window asking to speak with me.I was irritated that she waited until I got the kitten and was at the door to mention it.She wanted to admitt that she had a part in drugs coming into the club.Through tears she related the depression she fighting and that in the beginning the coke made it better.She knows how we feel about drugs and was ashamed to fess up.Not in so many words but the jest of the confession turned into a personal pity party with her blaming the other girls for her doing drugs.So much for having control and taking personal responsibility.She'll get worse before better with that attitude.She also requested to switch shifts to get away from "those" girls.She started doing coke with an old boyfriend and needs to blame herself for her bad choices.Carrie is being taken in by her sob story and wants to help her.Them helping each other ends up with one person getting taken advantage and alot of hostility between them.I can't get into the middle of their shit but I am going to try to run some kind of interference.
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