Hold on to your pants.....noone called out Friday night.Carrie whined and pouted all night which almost made me wish she didn't show up.It's nothing you can actually put your finger on.If any of you are around 14 year old girls you can feel my pain.Heavy sighs,eye rolling,cutting eyes ,flooping down on furniture and heavy footsteps pushed my patience(like I have any) to the brink of total bitchdom.She told Diana she doesn't want to work Friday nights any more if Christina is there.She says she can't make any money.Friday night was slower than usual but she did 1 session less than Christina and the same as Serena.Most people don't throw tantrums when they make less than a thousand for 1 nights work.Gosh there are people that can't put food on the table get a grip.Carrie and I will be working together the first of the week and we will talk about it then.Carrie's week days are just spending money .All her bills are paid from Friday nights money so I don't know how she is going to make up that money.Part of the problem here is that her and Beth Ann are all buddy-buddy at the moment and beth has went to work at the bar.You have to understand or at least know the friendship dynamics of some of these girls.Once they become friends it's like they are each others life preservers.They get needy.Schedule changes are the first step.Suddenly a shift without their side kick becomes poutfest.They will sit on the phone with one another for an hour complaining about how boring it is without the other to talk to.The fact they worked her on the same shift without their newbie groupie for a year never enters their mind.It gets downright sickening.Luckily it doesn't last long.Gossip or other petty little tiff reminds them they weren't ever joined at the hip and life will go on.Anyway I think Carrie is jealous.Beth is at the bar drinking ,doing coke and meeting new friends.Not to mention the guys tring to get her to meet them after work and telling her how beautiful she is.It is amazing how many fall for that.Just enough delusion is clouding the fact that he just wants a free fuck.Yeah, I believe in love and even love at first sight but noone is convincing me guys go in topless bars looking for little Ms Right to take home to mommy.Come on face reality,know your place in society.I'm saying to give in to it or even accept it just know where most people place you on the proverbial totem pole.Wow,I really am cynical somtimes.Oh well the truth sucks either deal with or just don't think about about it but don't lie to yourself about it.:-(
So, let's turn the page now.The mother and wife role goodie something positive.Almost all my holiday shopping is done.I have 3 presents left and 1 is a gift card.Tomorrow I'm baking.I would share but I haven't figured out how to teleport cookies yet.Yankee candles has a great scent out Balsam and Cedar.It just isn't possible to be Scrooge when that aroma fills the air.You'll just want to bellow a few bars of O'Christmas tree or watch Charlie Brown's Christmas or whatever else (or whoever) is uplifting to you.;-)I really hope all of yall are going to have a Great Holiday season.