It has finally been done,I have officially come crashing down into the real world.I have admitted defeat,sucked it up(with the hours we have been keeping and the stress I'm sorry to say that's all the sucking that is being done:() and notified everyone we that we won't open until next week.It's been 11 days since we made any money!This is awful.I am not use to being broke(not without many shopping bags to show for it).
I just hate being under the control of electricians and inspectors(or anyone else for that matter).They must get some perverse jolly in torturing broke desperate women.The new a/c guy we hired isn't included because he busted his hump to finish on time.The electrician has been a disappointment,let us count the ways.1.Saturday he arrived with two others are took out all the old wiring.That took about 3 hours.2.Sunday two out of 5 guys showed.I can sympathize with call-outs and understood his falling behind.3.Monday he did not come or call.I called him in the evening and he promised it would be finished the following day.4.Tuesday I called him around noon to find out when he was coming.Later that afternoon I called again to confirm he would still be there.At 7:00 I made a third call to inquire about his not showing up.Wednesday an appearance was finally made.He is there at about 1:00 and works 1 1/2 hours with his wife serving as his assistant before leaving for supplies and to check on another crew.At 4:30 he and his wife reappear.He promises to finish that night so the inspection can be done the following day.Another electrician arrives at 8:00 to help.We get out of there at 10:15 with all but 2 small things completed for the rough inspection to take place the following day.He is going to call in the inspection before 9:00 and it will be done the same day.We have been at the club since 9:00 that morning and are frustrated, hungry and tired .The a/c guy that started on Tuesday finished today even though his helper didn't come in .Thursday we drag ourselves out of bed and trudge to the club at 8:30 to ensure we don't miss the inspector.The electrician call at 9:30 to say he missed the cut off time for a same day inspection.He is on a another job and will be at Ambrosia when he winds that up there.The a/c guy calls at 11:00 to say their inspection is scheduled for today.Our electrician strolls in at 1:00 and does a lot more than the 2 things from last night.Adam has also discovered some old wire that needs to be removed.It was easy for him to miss somethings with the two cheap flashlights and candles lighting the club last night.The a/c people must be brilliant because they figured out the first day that if they brought a generator they could have light and actually could see what they were doing.Damn those smart guys they think of everything first.They even charged the batteries in their high powered lights instead of relying on Adam to bring two fully charged batteries for his.I give electroman his dues for working into the night and dragging along his wife to help get the job done.It was just poor planning on his part.Patience is not my strongest attribute.I had made the decision that if electroman had not shown back up Wednesday I was firing him.When he got back Adam talked to him and I went and sat in the car awhile to cool off.Maybe that's why he stayed so late to finish. Maybe I overrate my importance by thinking we should have been a top priority.The a/c guy called the inspectors office to make sure they would get to us today and reassured me to stay until 5:00.Guess what?THEY LIED!None came!In 12 years there has never been so many guys not coming at Ambrosia!We usually have the opposite effect.I was even prepared to dole out a few full service sessions. Too bad they were bad little boys,now they get nutthin(OK that was corny but give me a break it's been a rough day).Tomorrow we will be back at the club at 8:30 waiting for the inspector.It wouldn't be so frustrating if there were anything we could do.The ceiling can't be put up until after the inspection,cleanup would be redundant before the sheet rock is finished,the light fixtures,flooring (water damaged carpet in one room,new vinyl in another),vents and return can't be installed until the ceilings are up,our electric meter won't be returned until the day after inspection, and a final inspection must take place after all the previous task are complete and only then will I start making money again.
That's my past few days in a nut shell.My new possible career choice as a contractor is over.I'm not sure if a heart attack or tracking and strangling lazy workers would end it for me.My top goes off to all you contractors.I have a new found respect and sympathy for you(mainly sympathy you need that the most).
I started a new book The Serial Killer Files by Harold Schechter.It is good so far.There is a ton of information and the stories date back to the 1700S.Most compilations like this one rehash the same few famous cases but this one actually has some new ones.The pictures are mainly crude illustrations an I would have preferred some actual photos but I would still recommend this to book anyone(except my mother who only reads romances and Louis L'Amour(sp?).
PS. Thanks for the comment Roy!It's nice to know someone enjoys my ramblings.I don't give a location because it would hinder my ability to be candid.Getting girls to girls to stick around it's an easy thing and some may not appreciate my thoughts on their lives.It's a small world and I would probably be handing my self over to the DA'S office with a big ole set of cuffs on top.If this were a commercial site to drum up clients I would be biased and just tell you things that would encourage you to give us your money.As it is I just want to share a little free fun and maybe give you something to think about.:-)Hell maybe you'll realize your life isn't as screwy once you hear about ours.
Good Night All,